Charities and third sector organisations face many challenges, including funding squeezes, staffing issues, compliance pressures as well as unprecedented scrutiny of their activities and management. If you want to protect your organisation’s reputation and finances, it is essential to keep on top of the risks that could affect you.
Having effective governance procedures in place will greatly help you achieve your objectives and remain relevant and sustainable. This applies to all types of charity from grant giving foundations, community sports clubs to nationally operating organisation.
As specialist advisors to charities and other third sector organisations of all sizes, we fully understand the landscape in which you operate and the different risks and requirements you may face. We have therefore identified a number of key governance indicators that trustees, chairs and chief executives should consider.
The PDF document provided below details some of the questions worth asking your board members and include considering constitutional issues, board policies, trustee recruitment procedures, as well as finance and fundraising strategies.
If you would like to discuss any of these issues, or find out how you could improve the governance and risk management we’d be happy to help.
Helen Kidd, Partner, Head of Charities and the Third Sector
Published 31 July 2024.