Learn about legal developments or regulatory changes that could affect you, your family or your business
Insights 27 November 2023
In January 2024 the new Employment Rights (Amendment, Revocation and Transitional Provision) Regulations 2023 come into effect – here’s an employers ‘need to know’ highlights
Insights 8 November 2023
In this difficult economic climate charity trustees are reminded that help and advice are available - your advisers and peers are ready to support you
Insights 30 October 2023
Thousands more could face Inheritance Tax charges as investigations into peoples’ liability to pay are increasing
Insights 20 October 2023
Louise Norris, Partner in our Commercial Property team believes retailers will be keen for talks as council’s Golden Z plans progress
Insights 17 October 2023
Recent reports of enforcement actions against employers who underpay the National Minimum Wage act as a reminder to charities to avoid breaching rules
Insights 13 October 2023
An extreme case saw new house owners opening the door to their new home to find catastrophic damage and facing a battle to assign responsibility for repairs
Insights 9 October 2023
One father encourages other parents to ensure they are able to play a full role in youngsters’ lives following separation from partner
Insights 5 October 2023
If your agreement is inaccurately recorded it is possible to apply to the court to alter the document
Insights 26 September 2023
Greater numbers of Scottish SMEs need to protect themselves against the risks caused by shareholder splits as financial pressures intensify
Insights 25 September 2023
Divorce is always stressful, but for farming families, it can be even more so, with complex business arrangements coming into the mix
Insights 23 September 2023
Scots with a place in the sun are advised to take steps to ensure the ownership of their foreign home is properly protected
Insights 22 September 2023
Electric scooters can up to 30 mph and as usage of them increases so we’re seeing more accidents involving them