Jane Watson Jane Watson

Title: Head of Prism HR Consultancy

Department: Employment

Location: Glasgow

Andrew Anderson Andrew Anderson

Title: Property Manager

Department: Residential Property

Location: Dundee

Carol Capper Carol Capper

Title: Property Manager

Department: Residential Property

Location: Perth

Elaine Kerr Elaine Kerr

Title: Property Manager

Department: Residential Property

Location: Dundee

Simon Donaldson Simon Donaldson

Title: Property Manager

Department: Residential Property

Location: Edinburgh

Claire Hurst Claire Hurst

Title: Senior Company Secretarial Assistant

Department: Corporate & Commercial

Location: Edinburgh

Adele  McGinty Adele McGinty

Title: Paralegal

Department: Residential Property

Location: Dundee

Jenna  Gillespie Jenna Gillespie

Title: Trainee Paralegal

Department: Private Client

Location: Glasgow

Zoe  Campbell Zoe Campbell

Title: Trainee Debt Recovery Paralegal

Department: Dispute Resolution and Litigation

Location: Glasgow