Iona Kelly Iona Kelly

Title: Director of Human Resources

Department: Human Resources

Location: Edinburgh

James Frost James Frost

Title: IT Director

Department: Management

Location: Edinburgh

Laura McKinnon Laura McKinnon

Title: Director

Department: Rural - Land & Business

Location: Edinburgh

Maurice Allan Maurice Allan

Title: Residential Property Managing Director

Department: Residential Property

Location: Edinburgh

Miriam Rennet Miriam Rennet

Title: Director

Department: Commercial Property

Location: Dundee

Scott Geekie Scott Geekie

Title: Director

Department: Commercial Property

Location: Edinburgh

Sharon Drysdale Sharon Drysdale

Title: Director

Department: Rural - Land & Business

Location: Edinburgh

Alasdair Craig Alasdair Craig

Title: Senior Associate

Department: Commercial Property

Location: Glasgow

Brian Pollock Brian Pollock

Title: Senior Associate

Department: Dispute Resolution and Litigation

Location: Glasgow

Darren Lightfoot Darren Lightfoot

Title: Senior Associate

Department: Commercial Property

Location: Edinburgh

Emma  Allan Emma Allan

Title: Senior Associate

Department: Commercial Property

Location: Perth

Gregor MacEwan Gregor MacEwan

Title: Senior Associate

Department: Dispute Resolution and Litigation

Location: Edinburgh