News 18 January 2024

Lindsays Life 25 - our latest magazine is out now

The latest Lindsays Life is packed with interesting articles to give you information for you and your family or someone you may know

Read article about Lindsays Life 25 - our latest magazine is out now

Insights 15 January 2024

A case highlighting the potential impact of menopause symptoms within the workplace

Was an employee treated unfavourably by her employer, due to their failure to take account of the impact of her menopause symptoms, when considering her performance?

Read article about A case highlighting the potential impact of menopause symptoms within the workplace

News 12 January 2024

Keep cool in the face of family pressures this divorce month

Couples are advised to find common ground - to try and avoid the expense of divorce - as the knock-on of festive pressures add further strain to cost of living tensions

Read article about Keep cool in the face of family pressures this divorce month

News 11 January 2024

Eilish McColgan looks ahead - new year, new possibilities

After a challenging 2023, Eilish is looking forward to a new chapter this year which she believes will be worth the wait

Read article about Eilish McColgan looks ahead - new year, new possibilities

News 18 December 2023

Scottish housing landlords selling up in face of 'hostile political environment'

Andrew Diamond fears the private rental market is suffering a double-whammy impacting supply as investors also turn away from buy-to-let and current landlords leave the sector

Read article about Scottish housing landlords selling up in face of 'hostile political environment'

News 15 December 2023

Charities expected to consider mergers to secure long-term survival

An increasing number of Scottish charities are exploring mergers to secure their survival amid growing financial pressures

Read article about Charities expected to consider mergers to secure long-term survival

News 14 December 2023

Rural access agreements - a case highlighting the importance of ensuring they are formalised

A cautionary reminder for landowners to ensure access agreements are in place when considering diversification opportunities

Read article about Rural access agreements - a case highlighting the importance of ensuring they are formalised

Insights 8 December 2023

Employers urged not to fall into false economy trap during pay rise talks

Recruitment may prove more expensive than retention if staff decide to leave after failing to secure wage rise they hoped for

Read article about Employers urged not to fall into false economy trap during pay rise talks

News 5 December 2023

Welcoming our new trainees starting their legal career with Lindsays

Our latest trainee recruits have joined us as our investment in the future of Lindsays and Scotland's legal profession

Read article about Welcoming our new trainees starting their legal career with Lindsays

News 1 December 2023

Congratulations to Rising Star paralegal Kerri Dearsley on her “Superstar Award”

Kerri Dearsley was presented with the Superstar Award at the Scottish Paralegal Association Dinner Dance in Glasgow on Friday 24 November

Read article about Congratulations to Rising Star paralegal Kerri Dearsley on her “Superstar Award”

News 30 November 2023

R.E.S.P.E.C.T…ing a loved ones wishes – the tale of two Wills

The ongoing legal battle regarding Aretha Franklin's two Wills highlights the difficulties in trying to identify and uphold a deceased’s true wishes

Read article about R.E.S.P.E.C.T…ing a loved ones wishes – the tale of two Wills