Meet the team
David Armstrong
Title: Partner, Solicitor Advocate and Head of Personal Injury
Department: Personal Injury
Location: Glasgow
Jonathan Cornwell
Title: Partner, Solicitor Advocate
Department: Personal Injury
Location: Glasgow
Lauren Pasi
Title: Partner
Department: Personal Injury
Location: Glasgow
Rachel Holt
Title: Senior Associate
Department: Personal Injury
Location: Glasgow
Kathleen Willis
Title: Associate
Department: Personal Injury
Location: Glasgow
Jamie McGill
Title: Senior Solicitor
Department: Personal Injury
Location: Edinburgh
Peter Benham
Title: Senior Solicitor
Department: Personal Injury
Location: Glasgow
Michelle Wilson
Title: Solicitor
Department: Personal Injury
Location: Edinburgh
Kathryn Short
Title: Trainee Solicitor
Department: Personal Injury
Location: Glasgow
Alasdair Wannan
Title: Senior Paralegal
Department: Personal Injury
Location: Dundee
Charlene Carberry
Title: Paralegal Manager
Department: Personal Injury
Location: Glasgow
Deborah Moffat
Title: Paralegal Team Leader
Department: Personal Injury
Location: Glasgow
Margaret Main
Title: Senior Paralegal
Department: Personal Injury
Location: Glasgow
Samantha Bertram
Title: Personal Injury BD Manager
Department: Personal Injury
Location: Edinburgh
Sarah-Jane Tuncer
Title: Senior Paralegal
Department: Personal Injury
Location: Edinburgh
Aoife Maher
Title: Paralegal
Department: Personal Injury
Location: Edinburgh
Pauline Heffron
Title: Paralegal
Department: Personal Injury
Location: Glasgow
Samantha Dunlop
Title: Paralegal
Department: Personal Injury
Location: Glasgow
Stacey Rivera
Title: Paralegal
Department: Personal Injury
Location: Glasgow
Zoё Scott
Title: Paralegal
Department: Personal Injury
Location: Dundee
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